Music and Technology in Harmony - All things sound and compositional on the web, from a UK based guitarist, composer and sound designer.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Where did it all go?

Time that is! Wow it is the 17th already....and where did it all go? i am supposed to be taking sometime off after the MSc, but there has been none. I have just been trying to catch up with all the stuff that has been put off for the last year.....and there is alot of it!

new copmuter is in a running..well that took two days to load up all the software and apply all the patches! There must be an easier way! The new website is up...and you can see and I am pretty happy with it, bar a few changes (thanks Hal!) and I am porgressing with my Music for the Media assignment 6, which is a wildlife documentary and it is by far the most interesting one I have done and I think my music for it is the best I have done so far...i'll post a link once it is finish. I have also be doing some more indepth learning of some of the tools I have and I have just finished the Reason book, which is awesome. I have learnt so much and I am in awe of how much is possible to be done in Reason. I mainly have been using it as a sound module and a way of creating techno style tracks.....but there is so much more in there!

Also been going through the Sibelius video tutorials, and that too is an awesome tool. I have discovered that I am not so bad at notating music as I thought! (but my reading does lead something to be desired!) but once you learn the ley command in you can fly and It is quicker that writting by hand.

And also I have been going through the excellent Absynth 3 new video tutorial DVD which is over 4.5 hours long and it packed full of great stuff....I was even humbled as I learn a couple of great tricks in the introduction section! We are never too clever are we! I have to say that this DVD, plus the videos for Sibelius are much better than all the tutition I have recieved over the last year at Surrey....not that I am bitter!

On the MSc front, well the results were supposed to be out last monday (12th)....but as this is Surrey I have now been told it could be in the next month or two, when the examiners can get together to discuss the results (Even though they were supposed to on the 8th)....but they are busy now with the new we have to wait! I have nothing but contempt for Surrey University and you can imagine I am pretty pissed off.

Catch you later



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