Music and Technology in Harmony - All things sound and compositional on the web, from a UK based guitarist, composer and sound designer.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The End of May

Where is time going? It is literally disappearing! A fair bit has happened since the last post! I don't know where to start, so perhaps instead of focusing on the past, I will just say that there are a quite a few things happening in the future! I am still working on a new version of this website and I have a few new pieces of music to upload to the new site, including a piece I just finished which I really think is great (well I like it!).

I have been reading quite a few books recently and they are all really great. It is so good to be able to finish one good book and start another one straight away.

As well as all this reading I have been having a real big clear out of all my stuff, and I am totally downsizing my studio to focus exactly on the work I want to do. As I have mentioned, I will be posting a lot of new stuff when I get my new site finished. I am not sure when this will be as I have just embarked on a 4 month IT contract in London, which is going to suck most of my time in the short term.

Not the most exciting post I am afraid, but I will leave with a great quote I have just found.

A Senecan praemeditatio

The wise will start each day with the thought.....
Fortune gives us nothing which we can really own.
Nothing, whether public or private, is stable; the destinies of men, no less than those of cities, are in a whirl.
Whatever structure has been reared by a long sequence of years, at the cost of great toil and through the great kindness of the gods, is scattered and dispersed in a single day.
No, he who has said 'a day' has granted too long a postponement to swift misfortune; an hour, an instant of time, suffices for the overthrow of empires.

How often have cities in Asia, how often in Achaia, been laid low by a single shock of earthquake? How many towns in Syria, how many in Macedonia, have been swallowed up? How often has this kind of devastation laid Cyprus in ruins?

We live in the middle of things which have all been destined to die.
Mortal have you been born, to mortals have you given birth.
Reckon on everything, expect everything.



Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So easy he said!!


Oops I didn't have all the files selected!! A few video files here as well...enjoy...I know quality is crap (it was from my stills camera!) but you get the idea!

More on life soon!


Neil Posted by Picasa

Rocking in the Free Worl


A few pics from the gig last week at The Royal Oak in Guildford. It is so easy from Picasa to upload these now!!


Neil Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006


Wow I can't believe it is May already. Where has all the time gone? It is really scary. I guess I start every blog post saying I wonder where the time has gone, but this time I am really confused! Time has just shot by! Well that could also be that April was a pretty busy month and a good month for me to get my head together and plan out the future. As always there is a lot going on in my head, but at last the dust is slowly clearing and I can see a path ahead to what and where I want to be in the future. Upto now there has been too much emphasis on chasing so many different strands, but the time has come to fully focus on what my real dreams are and focus on making them happen.

So April part II in brief...well basically that consisted of Dead by Dawn. Four fantastic days of great films and great company. This year was a real improvement on last year, with the Japanese film 'The Last Supper' being a really stand out film. There is so much to write about, but time is a bit tight at the moment. Just to say thanks to John and Tahra for there fantastic hospitality (and trip to the Whiskey Society!!) and Ade and Craig for great company...and not forgetting Hal who was sadly missed, but no doubt will return in great form for DeadbyDawn 2007!

I have been reading a fair bit at the moment and I am currently enjoying the fantastic Zen and the art of motorcyle maintenance, i started reading it many years ago but never finsihed, I am now enjoying every single second. After finishing The Big Questions which is one of the best books I have read in a long time, I had to go out and order Lou Marinoff's other book Plato not Prozac which I really can't wait to start reading.

Other things of note are Picasa, which is an absolutly fantastic image and photo application for the PC. I was looking for something similar to iPhoto on the PC and this is it. As you can see on the previous blogs, with one click I can add a photo to a blog, but more then that, it make the process of online albums so much easier. Futher to Hal's recommendation I am also looking at setting up a Flickr account as I really want to share more of my photos online. The gallery at is fine, but it isn't the easiest thing in the world to maintain and it is time for a change I think. I am still working on a new website, but that has taken a bit of a back seat over the last few weeks.

More to come soon

