Another day....more spam
Yes this is turning into hell now, these guys are preventing from
sending mail by overloading my server. So nice!
Anyhow, work is taking great pace in trying to get my thesis completed
by th 17th of August (well actually earlier as I need to get it bound)
and so far, the writing part is coming along nicely...about 35 pages so
far...but unfortunately I don't have any experiments or results
currently working! Oops...and yes it is a big oops! I am just spending
so long going through the code of the codec I have trying to figure out
what the hell the guy who developed it is trying to do, that I am ending
up getting no where....all I want to do is be able to look at the
masking values for each sub band and each channel and then compare them
to see if masking is occurring....but not just temporal and frequency
masking but possible masking due to source location. I also have to read
in a file, and reading in files in C is such a pain in the ass. For a
language which is possibly the most widely used in the world....file i/o
sucks....i wish I could do it in C++. But I can't....I have this lovely
little XML file that I want to read in, but it looks like I am going to
have to write a parser as well....and I only have two weeks left.....hmm
perhaps some hard coding is needed!
But apart from all that....which is taking up all my time...things are
fine. I just can't wait for it to be over so I can get on with things!
Doing an Msc was always a dream/goal of mine.....but having done it so
far I can say that I think I chose the wrong course and the wrong
University! But I can't live in regret...have to take positive things
from the I am now looking forward to finishing,
starting up my new business venture (Syncrosound....more coming soon!),
completing the Music for the Media course and starting working (Well I
have started...finishing i should say!) the new Light B4 Sound CD
(Called deep meaning in that by the way!)
Anyhow I need to go and do some work otherwise I won't get an
Msc....just a postgraduate diploma....and I also need a haircut!