Music and Technology in Harmony - All things sound and compositional on the web, from a UK based guitarist, composer and sound designer.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

More stuff

Not much to report apart from being very busy and having new 'very' noisy neighbours again! Hmm time to move me thinks!

I have just uploaded a couple of pieces, one is a sound design composition entitled The Descent (not named after the film) but the idea is descending down into the sonic world.

The second is a short string quartet, which i wrote to show off what could be done in Garritan Personal Orchestra. I am spending a fair bit of time at the moment concentrating on more Classical style works, so expect a few more in my collections. Hence the reason I have now started numbering them. This is also to help me finish pieces, as I can't go on to the next one until the pervious one is finished.

Here it is String Quartet I.

I used GPO with a nice concert hall impulse in the Room simulator in Samplitude.



Thursday, November 03, 2005

Washing machines!

Well it is November, and once again I am making an excuse to why I haven't blogged more! Well once again I have been SO busy, what with this and that and that and this! There is so much going on at the moment, which is really cool, I am just hoping (preying!) that some of this will turn into hard cash sometime soon, otherwise MacciD's here I come! I hope to find out the outcome of a few 'projects' in the next day or two and will post here when I do!

Washing machine, yes ours blew up! Well the motor did, so yesterday I had a new one delivered! Cool, well it was..except when they plugged it didn't work! I was told (correctly) 'Its your plugs mate!' I spent two hours destroying all the wiring in the kitchen to track down the problem, I removed all the fuse board, everything....anyhow to cut a long story Dumbass (me) forgot to switch the plug on from the wall! Yes I know !! Oh well that was a good 3- 4hours wasted! But it is funny!

Anyhow a new Sound design peice here

Guitar in Hell

I love this peice, it is basically just me playing a single note guitar line! Yes but using the audio input of Absynth. This meant I had 3 guitar inputs as synth osciallators and then I just screwed around from there! I think it is cooL!

Watch this space
